Meet Our Team
Our team is always working behind the scenes to serve others and make deciples of Jesus Christ.

Keith Smith
Husband, father, teacher, preacher. I am a man of many hats, but I wear them all with pride. In my life I have learned a couple things. First, I know that my life is not my own it is God who directs my steps. (Jer. 10:23-24). Second, I know too that I have been bought with a price and all that I belong to Christ. (1 Cor. 6:20). This leads me to value each moment everyday and each person God places in my life. I want to live and love like Jesus! I’m grateful to belong to a church that wants to love, serve and makes disciples of Jesus Christ.

Brenda Taggart
Raised in Delaware, I moved to Florida in 1996 and proceeded to fall in love with the land and its people. Along the way, I was gloriously saved and now, I am compelled to share the love of God with those around me and serve them to the best of my ability. That’s why I’m thrilled with my position as the church secretary, because I get to share this life and love with others in tangible ways. I reside in Dade City with my husband, three of our six children, including twins with profound disabilities, two poodles, one rooster and a few crazy chickens.

Sylvia Williams
Office Manager
I have lived in Florida all my life and love to be in nature especially on the water. My husband Bill and I have been married 50 years and have 2 children and 7 wonderful grandchildren whom I love to spend time with. My mission is to serve God in whatever way He needs me. I love the scripture from Isaiah “Here am I send me”. I retired from the District School Board where I worked in Finance for 22 years then later worked at the Academy at the Farm Charter School as the Business Manager. I am excited to have the opportunity to serve our church as office manager.

Sharon Tayamen
Children’s Director
Brad Hopkins
Dennis Piety
Shayne Trebour
Chris Carrillo
Jason Long
Robert Robison
Josh Southard
Wes Merchant
Scott Tyree
Jesse O’Berry
Grant Piper
Jack Van Allen
Bill Williams